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MEOW offers some APIs:


This API is responsible for validating the pair endpoint - api_key. It is available at /ping/{api_key}. This API simply searches for the client authentication registered with that api_key in the Redis database, returning it to the client if it exists and raising an error if it does not.


This API returns some information to the requesting client about the proceedings. It is available at /info/{event_id}/{api_key}. The API initially checks if the requesting client is authenticated and then returns a dictionary like this:

  "event_id": "Conference ID",
  "pdf_cache": "true if PDF files are cached",
  "pre_press": "true if pre-press proceedings have been generated",
  "final_proceedings": "true if final proceedings have been generated",
  "datacite_json": "true if the DOI JSON payloads have been generated",
  "proceedings_archive": "true if an archive of the proceedings exists"


This API is responsible for deleting all the folders related to a conference by event_id. It is available at /clear/{event_id}/{api_key}. After checking if the authentication is valid, it starts a task that deletes all the PDF files, the proceedings site, and the DOI JSON payloads.


This API is responsible for starting a task to which we usually refer as event. It is available at /{api_key}/{task_id}. After validating the credentials:

  • a websocket is opened using the task_id sent by the client
  • the task is started. In particular, create_task creates a thread attached to the connection that listens to the websocket messages and publishes on Redis.
  • when the worker has finished, the websocket is closed.